Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
Recording of a workshop for CRIG members to explore how we might improve the diversity of people are involved in research. This was held on 20th August 2021.
Passcode: !f4@QFZ=
Who was it developed by?
Egality and CRIG members.
When might it be useful?
Listen back to the workshop if you are trying to improve the diversity of your PPI networks.
Improving the way we communicate about PPI – English Unlocked workshop
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
A recording of a workshop to look at writing in plain English to encourage involvement of people whose first language is not English. This workshop was part of a broader session looking at improving diversity of involvement in health research, held on 20th August 2021.
Password: !f9l5S33
Who was it developed by?
English Unlocked and CRIG members.
When might it be useful?
Listen back to the workshop if you are trying to improve the diversity of your PPI networks or communicating about involvement in research.
Reflections from the pandemic on inequalilties and PPI – journal paper
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
A paper published in Health Expectations journal reflecting on the changes in PPI practice resulting from the pandemic. They explore PPI through an inequalities lens and suggest a more rigorous review of PPIE practice is necessary to widen involvement in research.
Who was it developed by?
The paper was written by Michael Clark, Esther van Vliet and Michelle Collins
When might it be useful?
Read the paper when reviewing PPI methods and practices within your organisation.
Tackling digital inclusion
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Useful very short (2 pages) report on addressing digital inclusion. Aimed at NHS Trust boards but a useful read for anyone
Nine Basic Requirements for Meaningful and Ethical Child Participation
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Save the Children has published a new and updated version of the Nine Basic Requirements for Meaningful and Ethical Child Participation. This is a key tool to guarantee high-quality child participation and will help to advance children’s participation rights in any initiatives with children. The Guide has evolved for over two decades and is based on what children have shared with adults over the course of many years. The material includes checklists and basic tools and is presented in an easy-to-read, colorful manner.
The guide is also available in French, Spanish and Arabic .
Also included within the tools is a preliminary set of ‘mini guides’ related to:
• Planning events with children
• Moderating events with children
80 digital inclusion assets and resources
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This list of digital inclusion resources has been compiled by Catalyst during the COVID-19 pandemic - it's a google doc and is still being added to
RNIB involvement impact report
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
RNIB's report on how involvement has had an impact. Thanks to Nat Swiderska for sharing this.
Cancer Research UK Insights Panel Transparent Recruitment Process
Resource was added by: Alison Reeve
An example of document drafted by Cancer Research UK's Patient Involvement Team to support the recruitment of new Cancer Insights Panels (patient and carer groups). This outlines our process for recruiting more diverse groups of people.
Being Inclusive in Health Related Research
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
A new publication by INVOLVE. Useful reading for non-research involvement professionals too.
Involving people remotely
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This paper focuses on the experience of Cystic Fibrosis Trust, RNIB and National Deaf Children’s Society.