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Positive risk-taking: from rhetoric to reality

Uploaded: 17th April 2018 | Topic: Guidelines and good practice

Resource was added by: Mandy Owens

A discussion paper from Steve Morgan and Nick Andrews for the The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice.

Purpose – For health and social care services to become truly person-centred requires a fundamentally positive mindset from professionals and care workers, and a willingness to take some risks. The purpose of this paper is to explore how this will apply to delivering dementia services, where almost all of the initial impressions are of deficits, disability and disadvantage.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Uploaded: 5th January 2018 | Topic: Recruiting and supporting people with lived experience

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

This form is used by Young Women's Trust. They ask young women to complete it if they disclose that they have a mental health condition. This form, or tool (courtesy of Mind) is really useful in getting them to write about their condition, e.g. how it manifests itself in different situations starting with triggers through to crisis points, what their action plan is for each situation and how staff should support them too.

Mental health crisis information booklet

Uploaded: 5th January 2018 | Topic: Recruiting and supporting people with lived experience

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

This booklet was produced by Young Women's Trust and aims to give staff and volunteers a better understanding of the types of mental health issues that may arise during residentials/focus groups and other events attended by young women and how best to deal with these.
Lots of things in here are very transferable to other groups.

Notes of diversity workshop June 2017

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

These are notes from the workshop we organised on 22nd June 2017 to share ideas and experience about how we could promote diversity and inclusion among the people we involve.
Thanks to everyone who shared their experience and to the working group who planned the event.

Refreshing Perspectives: Exploring the application of peer research with populations facing severe and multiple disadvantage

Uploaded: 31st May 2016 | Topic: PPI activities and methods

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
This paper focuses on how peer research has been carried out with groups including prisoners, homeless populations, people on probation and drug and alcohol users.

Peer research is the active involvement of people with lived experience in designing or delivering research. The review shows that there are a variety of ways in which these communities can take part in the research process.

Who was it developed by?
Revolving Doors

When might it be useful?
Refer to this if you are trying to engage with new audiences for your PPI work.