Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
In 2024 a working group (the 'Expectations Working Group') explored what we should ask from staff who seek our help to involve people with lived experience. We reviewed a number of resources developed by Shared Learning Group members and identified the top actions/behaviours we ask non-involvement staff to adopt when they involve people with lived experience.
BHF involvement request form
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
The involvement team at British Heart Foundation ask staff who are seeking involvement support to complete this form.
Diabetes UK involvement request form
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Involvement staff ask non-involvement colleagues to complete this if they want to involve people affected by diabetes.
Diabetes UK involvement planning template
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This planning form is used during involvement training for Diabetes UK staff. They are asked to use it to plan their involvement work. They build on it through the training day
Stroke Association involvement handbook
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Handbook for staff who plan to involve peple with lived experience in thier work. Our Expectations Working Group liked the focus on clearly explaining and stating expectations, offering support throughout, as well as the emphasis on closing the feedback loop and on monitoring and evaluation.
CF Trust involvement request form
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This form was developed by the involvement team at Cystic Fibrosis Trust. It wa originally intended to be completed by CF staff, but the involvement team now use this as a prompt for discussion with staff who are requesting support. Our Expectations Working Group especially liked the question about how the activity fits with strategic priorities.