Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Involvement staff at Pause carries out one-to-one conversations twice a year with people with lived experience who get involved in the Pause advisory group, to ask what impact it has had on them. Quotes from these discussions feed into impact reports and quarterly reports for trustees. Involvement posters that highlight the achievements of people who get involved are also shared with Trustees and the senior leadership team.
Involvement staff at Cystic Fibrosis Trust have been able to demonstrate to senior staff and trustees that involvement can be instrumental in leveraging funds, not necessarily as ‘donations’ to the Trust but rather to support programmes of work that the Trust wouldn’t have been able to fund itself. This has been achieved through work with corporate partners, medical research charities and government bodies. These opportunities have also provided case studies to showcase the value of involvement, again both within the Trust to Board level but also to encourage more external collaborations - with the potential of generating more income.
Involvement staff at Cancer Research UK ask Patient Involvement Network members and staff to complete an impact feedback survey following involvement activities. Key results are shared with senior staff as part of induction meetings.