Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
A guide for senior leaders about how to ensure that lived experience is central to a charity.
Who was it developed by?
New Philanthropy Capital (a charity) with a range of partners. Some SLG/CRIG members were partners in this project, others were on the steering group.
When might it be usefel?
Great to give to senior leaders. This guide could be used at any stage in an organisation's 'journey' to ensuring that involvement is part of the culture of an organisation.
Talking to senior staff about involvement – experience of Shared Learning Group members
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Paper on the Shared Learning Group website about experience of talking with senior leaders about involvement.
In addition, Shelter involvement staff run webinars where senior leaders are invited to hear about a piece of involvement work. This works well in busting the myth that involvement is ‘storytelling’.
Cancer Research UK involvement staff run induction meetings for new senior leaders. Involvement team members talk them through the patient involvement strategy, offer case studies and key statistics.