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What are the responsibilities of involvement staff working at different levels of an organisation?

Uploaded: 15th July 2024 | Topic: Benchmarking, salaries, staffing and objectives

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

The Shared Learning Group on Involvement’s Heads of Involvement Group looked at role descriptions for involvement posts, and tried to distinguish between the responsibilities of involvement staff working at ‘head of’, manager and officer/coordinator level. The group put together a paper to help with these distinctions – see here:
This might be of help to people who are pushing for their jobs to be re-graded, and/or creating new involvement teams or individual posts.

involvement in reviewing applications for research funding

Uploaded: 1st July 2021 | Topic: Benchmarking, salaries, staffing and objectives

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

This table summarises the different approaches member charities involve people in reviewing applications for research funding. It was put together by Sian Morgan at Blood Cancer UK in June 2021 – thanks to her and to the members who shared information with her.

CRUK core competencies framework

Uploaded: 5th October 2018 | Topic: Benchmarking, salaries, staffing and objectives

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

This framework was developed to set out the key skills that members of the CRUK Involvement Delivery team should have and how those skills can/should develop over time as team members become more experienced. It also includes a list of potential Learning & Development opportunities to help the team develop those competencies (some of which are CRUK specific).

As this framework is a CRUK document, it reflects the CRUK context and approach to PPI. But it will be of use to anyone thinking about role descriptions and your own learning and development.