14th October 2023 | Topic:
Training, guidance and support for PPI members
Resource was added by: Annee Amjad
What is this resource?
Instructions and Scoring Guidance for people affected by cancer who get involved in reviewing research applications and helping to decide if they should be funded.
Who was it developed by?
Tenovus Cancer Care
When might it be useful?
Use this resource for reference when developing your own guidance for lay reviewers.
involvement in reviewing applications for research funding
1st July 2021 | Topic:
Benchmarking, salaries, staffing and objectives
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This table summarises the different approaches member charities involve people in reviewing applications for research funding. It was put together by Sian Morgan at Blood Cancer UK in June 2021 – thanks to her and to the members who shared information with her.