Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
This guidance aims to help charities to calculate fair payment for contributions to projects or partnerships.
Who was it developed by?
This initiative was led by the CRIG, along with Cancer52, Health Research Charities Ireland, National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society and the Patient Information Forum and was the result of consultation with CRIG members as well as a range of other charities and partner organisations.
When would it be useful?
The guidance can be used when working with pharma, but also with a range of other potential partner organisations in the private and public sector.
ABPI PPI Strategy
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Strategy from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Supporting pharma with PPI – Parkinson’s UK guidelines
Resource was added by: Annee Amjad
What is this resource?
These guidelines outline how Parkinson's UK will support industry with involvement. They will support projects where the primary purpose is to benefit the Parkinson’s community.
Who was it developed by?
Parkinson's UK
When might it be useful?
Refer to this document if you are thinking about how your organisation might work with industry and what you'd need to put in place.
From Transactional to Truly Collaborative: Improving Relationships Between Industry and Patient Organisations
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
This report shares the findings of a project aiming to understand and improve how patient organisations and pharmaceutical companies work together. Specifically, the project aimed to:
- Provide clarity about how pharma are working with UK-based patients and patient organisations and how they would like to work with them in future.
- Help patient organisations plan how they would work with pharma.
- Encourage pharma to consider improving their relationship with patient organisations.
Who was it developed by?
The project was led by Versus Arthritis, Parkinson’s UK, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Alzheimer’s Society, Gene People, Alopecia UK, MS Society and Asthma and Lung UK.
When might it be useful?
Refer to this report if you’ve been approached by a pharmaceutical company or are considering working in collaboration with them.
ABPI patient engagement strategy
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) published this patient engagement strategy where they outline their commitments to:
- Involving patient organisations in all ABPI policies and campaigns
- Develop practical resources to make collaboration between industry and patient organisations easier
- Foster a patient centred organisational culture at the ABPI and support industry members to do the same
Who was it developed by?
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).
When might it be useful?
Useful to reference if you are working with pharma.
Supporting PPI in industry-led research
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
This guidance aims to help charities in the UK and the Republic of Ireland to promote and support patient and public involvement (PPI) in industry-led research.
Who was it developed by?
CRIG Pharma Working Group and Health Research Charities Ireland.
When might it be useful?
Read and refer to this resource if working with pharma on PPI activities or to gain an understanding of the challenges of working in this area.
Working with pharma to support PPI – CRIG member positions
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
This CRIG paper explores how some members work with pharma and outlines some of the questions that they are considering as part of this process. Note that this paper is from 2016, so member positions may have changed since.
Who was it developed by?
CRIG members.
When might it be useful?
Refer to this if you have been approached by a pharma company for support with PPI or are considering developing your work or a policy in this area.