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Young Women’s Trust journey questionnaire – part 1

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

First of three journey questionnaires that Young Women's Trust advisory panel members fill in at the beginning, middle and end of their 2-years on the panel. It's a great tool to measure how effective their involvement has been for them in terms of skills, well-being, how far they feel they have been listened to by different audiences and their future aspirations.

Monitoring theory of change outcomes

Uploaded: 23rd November 2017 | Topic: Capturing and assessing the impact of involvement - examples

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

This is the form used by Breast Cancer Now to do follow-up calls with Pledge Leads (health care professionals who led on the Service Pledge programme at their hospital) at 12 or 18 months after they launch their Pledge and have hopefully implemented their improvement goals.
The questions relate to the prioritised outcomes on Breast Cancer Now's theory of change.
Thanks to Susanna Glover for sharing this.

Online impact resources

Uploaded: 20th November 2017 | Topic: Capturing and assessing the impact of involvement - examples

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

A whole website of info about capturing and assessment impact, put together by NPC. It's not about involvement in relation to involvement, but some stuff may be transferable.
NPC is currently (November 2017) writing a short guide on how to involve service users at each step of the project cycle (planning, implementation, data analysis and reviewing data) - this should be out soon.