Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
A report of the short life working group set up to identify and review tools that would help CRIG members to capture the impact of involvement in research. The group met three times over a 5 month period and presented its findings to the CRIG in September 2024.
This paper summarises the work of the group and makes recommendations to CRIG members about how to take this issue forward in their own organisations.
Who was it developed by?
The CRIG Impact Toolkits Working Group
When might it be useful?
When you're thinking about how to capture the impact of involvement in research.
Impact toolkits project – spreadsheet
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This spreadsheet accompanies the report of the Impact Toolkits Working Group, which is also on this page of the resource centre. It shows how we shortlisted from 14 tools to 4, and the scores for each of the 4.
Evidencing youth participatory approaches in research and evaluation
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Report by the Youth Futures Foundation.
Lived experience theory of change
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Developed by Breast Cancer Now - thanks to Susanna Glover for sharing this. Useful if you are develping an involvement strategy or thinking about impact.
Capturing the impact of youth voice within the #iwill Fund
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Link to info about evaluation of the impact of young people's involvement in a large scale project - this included publication of various useful resources.
Public Involvement in Research Impact Toolkit
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
This toolkit is a set of tools aiming to support researchers to plan and integrate public involvement in research, track public contributions and the difference they make and report impact against the National Standards for Public Involvement.
Who was it developed by?
This toolkit was developed by the Marie Curie Research Centre and Cardiff University.
When might it be useful?
This resource can be shared with researchers to support them to capture the impact of their involvement activities. It may also be used by charities to record internal involvement activities.
Exploring impact workshop, February 2023
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
In February 2023 the Shared Learning Group held a workshop on capturing the impact of involvement. More information here.
Methods for capturing impact of involvement in research – journal paper
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
A paper published in the journal Research Involvement and Engagement that explores the different methods used to capture the impact of involvement in research.
Who was it developed by?
The paper was written by Anmol Shahid, Inara N. Lalani, Brianna K. Rosgen, Bonnie G, Shelly Longmore, Jeanna Parsons Leigh, Henry T. Stelfox and Kirsten M. Fiest.
When might it be useful?
Refer to this resource when developing ways to capture the impact of involvement activities that you support.
Impact of PPI on the UK coronavirus immunology consortium
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
What is this resource?
This report celebrates and showcases the positive impact of involving patients and the public in immunology research.
Who was it developed by?
The UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium and the British Society for Immunology.
When might it be useful?
Useful reading if you’re working on PPI methods or capturing and sharing the impact of involvement.
Terrence Higgins Trust evaluation report
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
A report on the evaluation of invovlent work undertake at Terrence Higgins Trust as part of a three year Lottery funded programme.