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GRIPP2 reporting checklists: tools to improve reporting of patient and public involvement in research

Uploaded: 7th August 2017 | Topic: Impact

Resource was added by: Lynne Hughes

What is this resource?
A research paper outlining the GRIPP2 reporting checklists and how they were developed. GRIPP2 details the key items to report about PPI to enhance the quality, transparency, and consistency of the evidence base. They were developed by systematically reviewing the previous checklist, conducting a Delphi survey and hosting a meeting to reach a consensus on the key items to report on.

Who was it developed by?
Researcher Sophie Staniszewska and colleagues

When might it be useful?
Refer to this paper and the GRIPP2 guidelines when capturing and sharing the outcome or impact of PPI activities, especially if writing up papers for journals. Refer researchers to the checklist and encourage them to report on PPI in their publications.