Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Local elections are coming up next week! Imagine you are standing for election – for our introduction exercise today, I’d like you to think of two pledges you would include in your manifesto to win over the voters. One of your ideas should be practical and deliverable, but the other can be completely blue-sky, dream-world, no-constraints fabulous. Discuss on your tables, and then we’ll share some of your manifesto ideas with the group.
Collage exercise – shared by Bethany Bateman, British Lung Foundation
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This can be a great ice-breaker but doubles up as a way of getting people to think differently about a topic.
You will need:
• Flip chart paper
• Magazines, newspapers and health information/literature about your charity (the latter two are useful as they will have topical words and images that may be relevant)
• Glue sticks
Before people arrive, pick one or two topics and write them on flip chart paper
• This could just be “me”, “my condition” or “health” if all you want is an ice-breaker
• You could also pick a topic that you’ll cover later in the day, eg. “prevention”, “diagnosis”, “hospital care”, etc
As people arrive, ask them to start ripping images, sentences, headlines, etc out of the newspapers and magazines, that they think are relevant to the topics on the flipchart paper.
Ask them to glue the things they’ve cut out to the relevant topic.
About 10 minutes before the end of your allotted time, ask the delegates to look at the collages with you and start to share why they made those choices
If I have chosen a topic that we’ll cover later in the day, save discussion of that collage until you’re ready to start on that topic. I ask people to volunteer their comments but also ask:
• Is there anything on the collage, that they didn’t put up there, that they like?
• What does that mean to them?
• Is it the same thing that the person who put it on there was thinking?
By thinking about other people ideas and discussing what may be a different meaning behind those images / sentences, it gets people thinking more creatively and more about the “big picture”.
Things you have in common – shared by Jenny Robertson, MS Society
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
On your tables, identify as many things that you all have in common as possible. This may be places that you’ve visited, favourite food, languages spoken etc.
You have 5 minutes to do this.
The table with the most in common wins!
The Three H’s – shared by Claire Britton, CRUK
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
Purpose of the activity:
A quick and interesting ice-breaker activity to enable a group of people to share top-line information about a recent highlight, challenge and something they’re looking forward to.
How to run this activity:
- Ask everyone to get into pairs.
- Each person to share a recent Highlight, Headache and what’s on the Horizon (hence the 3 H’s) with their partner
- After 5 minutes stop the conversation and bring everyone back together. Depending on how much time you have, ask people to volunteer to share their 3 H’s.