Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
It can be harder to encourage and motivate staff to begin or continue to involve people when you can’t do this face to face. We talked about this challenge at our meeting in October 2020. This paper is a summary of what members are doing.
Dealing with behaviours that we find challenging
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
We recognise that when you work with a range of people, some will behave in ways that you feel are inappropriate and/or challenging. This paper includes 'top tips' for dealing with these situations.
A human rights and equality based approach to involvement
Resource was added by: Bec Hanley
This is a summary of a talk given by Peter Beresford to the Shared Learning Group on 15th April 2015. Peter is professor of social policy at Brunel University London and Co-chair of Shaping Our Lives, the national disabled people's and service users' organisation. This summary draws extensively on reports published by Shaping Our Lives called Beyond the Usual Suspects.