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PPI role description template for use by researchers

Uploaded: 16th November 2023 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
A template for use by researchers who want to involve people with lived experience in Parkinson's research.

Who was it developed by?
The research involvement team at Parkinsons's UK.

When might is be useful?
To share with researchers who want to involve people. As a base if you are planning to involve people and need to develop a role description.

Staying connected with participants – Parkinson’s UK toolkit

Uploaded: 4th October 2023 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Annee Amjad

What is this resource?
This toolkit is a simple communication framework to help researchers share updates with research participants. Many participants have shared that they would be more likely to keep taking part in research if they received more updates.

Who was it developed by?
Parkinson's UK

When might it be useful?
Whilst this toolkit is focused on participation in research, elements of the toolkit can also be used to keep PPI members updated. Parkinson's UK also encourage researchers to work with PPI members when designing the communications within the toolkit.

Feedback for PPI members – Parkinson’s UK guidance

Uploaded: 4th October 2023 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Annee Amjad

What is this resource?
PPI members that get involved in research often want to hear the impact they've had on research. This guidance document offers researchers help and examples to provide feedback to PPI members. Parkinson’s UK make it a condition of their support that researchers provide contributors with feedback on the outcomes of their involvement.

Who was it developed by?
Parkinson's UK

When might it be useful?
You may wish to develop your own guidance document to encourage researchers to provide feedback.

Research Toolkit – Autistica

Uploaded: 1st October 2023 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Annee Amjad

What is this resource?
The Research Toolkit is a collection of example documents to help researchers to follow best practice when producing documents used throughout the research process, such as participant information sheets and recruitment posters. The Toolkit aims to help autism researchers conduct inclusive, accessible autism research.

Who was it developed by?
The Toolkit was developed by Autistica and the documents included in it were submitted by researchers working across the UK.

When might it be useful?
Refer researchers developing documents for research to the Toolkit. You may also wish to refer PPI members to the Toolkit if they are helping researchers to develop documents for research.

Online training for researchers – Imperial College

Uploaded: 11th January 2022 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
An online training course about involvement for researchers. Note that it is long and the emphasis is on co-production.To access the course for free, go to to create an account and then follow these Instructions:

Who was it developed by?
Imperial College London

When might it be useful?
Refer researchers to this PPI training or use it as inspiration when developing/delivering your own training for researchers.

Online PPI training for researchers – CRUK

Uploaded: 11th January 2022 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
Slides from a researcher training session on PPI, which was delivered online.

Who was it developed by?
Cancer Research UK, working in partnership with someone affected by cancer.

When might it be useful?
Refer to these slides if you are looking to deliver PPI training for researchers.

PPI guidance for researchers – different organisations’ approaches

Uploaded: 7th July 2020 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
A list of various organisations' PPI guidance for researchers.

Who was it developed by?
Heather Cooper (CRIG member).

When might it be useful?
You may wish to share the various guidance documents with the researchers you are supporting with PPI. Or use them as inspiration when developing your own guidance.

PPI guidance for researchers – Parkinson’s UK

Uploaded: 15th January 2020 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
A guidance document for researchers introducing PPI, what it is, the different stages of the study cycle they can do it at and case studies.

Who was it developed by?
Parkinson’s UK.

When might it be useful?
Share the resource with researchers or use it for inspiration for developing your own guidance for researchers.

PPI support request forms – CRIG guidance and examples

Uploaded: 2nd December 2019 | Topic: Training, guidance and support for researchers

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
A template form for researchers requesting PPI support. CRIG members are approached by researchers who need help finding PPI members. Many CRIG members ask researchers to complete an application form to help them decide whether they will share the PPI opportunity with their network, and if so what information they will share. This document includes example forms from members.

Who was it developed by?
CRIG members.

When might it be useful?
Use this template to develop a PPI support request form to share with researchers in your field.