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Lived experience on non-profit boards

Uploaded: 6th November 2023 | Topic: Promoting involvement internally in your organisation

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

This resource from the Centre for Charity Effectiveness aims to encourage and assist nonprofit organisations who are striving to ensure the full participation at board level of those with lived experience of their organisation's cause. Includes insights and case studies from contributors across the nonprofit sector, CCE explorations of key topics, and a host of useful links.

Making the case for involvement to senior leaders

Uploaded: 29th April 2022 | Topic: Promoting involvement internally in your organisation

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

The working group on Advancing Involvement in Charity Leadership' has written this paper to share how we have tried to ensure that senior leaders recognise the value of involvement and continue to support it. This paper looks at:
• What has worked for working group members
• Top tips

Motivating staff to keep involving people during the pandemic

Uploaded: 20th October 2020 | Topic: Promoting involvement internally in your organisation

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

It can be harder to encourage and motivate staff to begin or continue to involve people when you can’t do this face to face. We talked about this challenge at our meeting in October 2020. This paper is a summary of what members are doing.

Communicating with and influencing staff about involvement

Uploaded: 3rd February 2017 | Topic: Promoting involvement internally in your organisation

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

At our meeting on 7th December 2016, Simon Denegri, National Director for Patients and the Public in Research at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and Chair of INVOLVE led a great session on communicating with and influencing other staff about involvement. These are notes from Simon’s talk.