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Does payment change the dynamics of involvement?

Uploaded: 27th October 2023 | Topic: Reward and recognition

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
Information pulled together in response to a Payment Working Group meeting where this question was discussed.

Who was it developed by?
Susanna Glover of Breast Cancer Now.

When might it be useful?
If you're putting together a case for payment for involvement for senior leaders, or if you're just interested in this topic.

Payment for Public Involvement

Uploaded: 28th June 2022 | Topic: Reward and recognition

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

Guidance published by the National Institute for Health Research which aims to:
- Describe principles of payment and key challenges currently faced in the sector relating to managing and administering payments
- Give direction to those managing and administering payment arrangements to navigate employment status and tax regulations in an appropriate way
- Provide information and links to the most appropriate HMRC guidance

Payment for involvement

Uploaded: 10th February 2022 | Topic: Reward and recognition

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

In 2021/22, members from three member charities - Cancer Research UK, Mind and Turn2us – shared their experience of paying people at a series of seminars. This paper is a summary of these seminars. It looks long - but that's because there are lots of useful resources at the end (e.g. payment policies and processes).

CRUK reward and recognition policy

Uploaded: 3rd April 2018 | Topic: Policies to support service user involvement

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

Gemma Altinger has shared this, but asks that THIS IS NOT SHARED. Please contact Gemma at CRUK if you want to share this policy. Gemma says that they will be doing more work around what CRUK's responsibilities will be with payments for people on benefits so the attached will be updated. She'll keep the SLG posted.

Guidelines for involving people affected by asthma in research opportunities

Uploaded: 6th October 2017 | Topic: Guidelines and good practice

Resource was added by: Bec Hanley

What is this resource?
Researchers wanting to involve Asthma UK's Research and Policy volunteers in their studies must read this guidance and complete a form. Approved studies will generally then be posted on the Research and Policy monthly Bulletin and social media, or in some cases on the website.

Who was it developed by?
Asthma UK (which is now Asthma and Lung UK)

When might it be useful?
Refer to these guidelines if you are looking to promote your service to researchers, outline the conditions of your support or establish 'rules' about your PPI programme.